Sunday, November 7, 2010

Painful Sweet Surrender

I am the kind of person who would know what she wants now and how the next five years would be. If plan A didn't work (which happens all the time... ok mostly) i would quickly re-arrange the plan and still walk on... but at the end of the day i would always have a plan.

Right now am at a point in my life where i am not in control. i dont know what my next year is going to be like, i am not sure what my December is going to be like. You know the coolest thing is i am happier than ever!!

Yes! i have embraced this way of life of not knowing what tomorrow holds. its freeing and looking at it from a different angle has never been so painfully liberating.

This has not been easy that's for sure. i was in a state of crisis when the thought of letting my planned way of life Go. i thought " How unserious would i be? living life without purpose of where am going!!" "What will i say when I am asked "what you planning for your life?""

Then the peace i didn't know was there came and i decided "You know what Lord, my life is literally in your hands" And then that's when i did it...

I spread my hands wide, closed my eyes, took a deep breath, broke into a wide smile... and fell back. All cares to the wind. I know who got my back for sure. So here i go as I step into the world of the unknown, am not afraid of the dark and what treasures, mysteries, pleasures and shadows loom.


Just Coz I Say So


  1. good for you . at-least you're happy

  2. Yeah you should try it.
