These last days of temporary loneliness now come closer to an end. Yes JN has been away on a world tour for the past three months and they are to return home for the Christmas break before they continue on their second leg of the tour. This has been the first time we have been separated for this long and I am glad to say that we have pulled through stronger and better than we thought. It was difficult to fathom him being away from me that long because we spent so much time together. The thought of him leaving left me asking myself "What am I going to do with all this time?"
I am here to say that God really sorted me out. I have been constructively occupied and that only kept my hands busy but then I thought about him always and that's where the beauty of the internet comes in. I may also add that my work place made it better. I work on a Mac computer (Yay!)so life was made easier. I got to send video messages and photos as i update him on what is happening and also vice versa. I know when we meet up on his return they will be something to laugh at and cherish.
This was also helpful during those times when they were in a location without internet. Always going back to the videos and e-mails was consoling enough to get you moving to get through the day when I had not heard from him that day or sometimes days.
Oh it has not really been a smooth wait. There were those days when JN was the only person you wanted to talk to and be there to listen. Or when there was a new place to go to or something that would be fun to do and he wasn't there.
Recently, they went to Europe and JN got a sim card and we were able to communicate via phone. Oh that was the best thing ever. I would say it kick started the countdown with a fresh fire. Just knowing he is a call or text away, made it feel like he was just another town nearby.
I could not emphasize this more, communication is like a fan to keep the fire burning, without which no real relationship can last for sure. I know this first hand. Communication can turn miles apart into minutes away.
So here goes...10days to GO!
Just Coz I Say So
Good for you babes .i guess i should continue sending you all those rlshp links. they will come in handy.