I had a tough week last week where I found myself so emotional on everything I hear, see, watch or even think. It was annoying and frustrating me as to why I was teary when I watch something remotely sad! Anyway some how I found myself falling down the path of negativity (which people who know me well find that it is unlike me) but yes, I was starting to talk negative about what challenges from home to my relationship and work. Small things that would not really matter, even the fact that JN had not communicated for 2days became a big issue in my head.
So when I was talking to one of my girlfriends, she asked me how I was, I just poured my heart out trying not to sob and that was the end of it really. It felt so good to have someone put some sense back into your head. I definitely had the defeated attitude, which was not characteristic of God's wonderful daughters. She just encouraged me in the words of God and it was such a relief that what I needed was just a little push in the right direction.
God heard my prayers too; I got a call from JN which made it all the better and I was happy we really talked for some good time too. So with all the emotional fog on my mind gone, I was able to see clearly and sanely with a positive and determined attitude.
Friends, there is nothing more enticing to the devil than a Child of God suffering alone. That is like Big time Bait!!! So that's where I discovered the joy of being accountable to someone. Accountability for me has been something that I shunned since it can be used against you and many other excuses but then I believe its a way to grow and stay firm in your decisions and also have another hand that will help you stay standing when you cannot do it yourself. This I am sure happens to everyone. When you cannot fight yourself and its when having someone you are accountable to (and is accountable back) is a call away. Without need for the whole long story sometimes all you have to say is " Help!" and they know what to do or say.
One thing though is being accountable to the right person. I am accountable to one of my best friends (AM) who is close to me like a sister and she is those kinds of friends who will not be afraid to tell it to you in the face and snap you back to reality. I know it is the same for me. I am very optimistic about this and we have started by sharing useful habits and shows on TV to watch. We are always texting each other about our devotions and we are soon to start having time to sit, share and pray for each other as accountability partners. I know that the Devil is going to fight this, like he does when we make headway to being closer to God but then I am sure we will defeat him (badly!) and come out victors in Christ.
Like the saying goes a problem shared is a half a problem solved. So make sure you share with some you know will give you godly advice, not always what you want to hear.
Any thoughts or experiences to share on Accountability? Please share...
Four days to go
Just Coz I Say So
wow, this is interesting!!! was reading something connected to accountablity and now this,i know i defintely need to find me self one,hope i do..added the link also.