Sharing with the world the depth of my heart's thoughts and feelings as they come:)
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
The Reply
Thursday, December 16, 2010
An Unexpected Surprise!!

Friday, December 3, 2010
The Countdown Winds up
Comments like “how many hours?” “why are you so happy today?”
I felt it was a bit too much! Yish. Then to top it off we had a shoot in JN’s Department and everyone was all teasing me endlessly, I almost failed to get the shoot done because people kept interrupting.
They ask if I am going to the airport and I told them I will be at a dinner by the time JN arrives and I have to be there. Besides what matters is that I agreed with JN that we would meet when he has properly rested after they have arrived and rested.
So right now am at the salon getting my hair done since this dinner cannot be taken lightly as I could meet the President since he will be there.
I am excited that I get to see my man after so long. So after three long months!!
My count down soon comes to a close.
Just Coz I say So.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Procrastination and more interesting shocks

Blues?? Cure??.... Answer: Accountability

I had a tough week last week where I found myself so emotional on everything I hear, see, watch or even think. It was annoying and frustrating me as to why I was teary when I watch something remotely sad! Anyway some how I found myself falling down the path of negativity (which people who know me well find that it is unlike me) but yes, I was starting to talk negative about what challenges from home to my relationship and work. Small things that would not really matter, even the fact that JN had not communicated for 2days became a big issue in my head.
So when I was talking to one of my girlfriends, she asked me how I was, I just poured my heart out trying not to sob and that was the end of it really. It felt so good to have someone put some sense back into your head. I definitely had the defeated attitude, which was not characteristic of God's wonderful daughters. She just encouraged me in the words of God and it was such a relief that what I needed was just a little push in the right direction.
God heard my prayers too; I got a call from JN which made it all the better and I was happy we really talked for some good time too. So with all the emotional fog on my mind gone, I was able to see clearly and sanely with a positive and determined attitude.
Friends, there is nothing more enticing to the devil than a Child of God suffering alone. That is like Big time Bait!!! So that's where I discovered the joy of being accountable to someone. Accountability for me has been something that I shunned since it can be used against you and many other excuses but then I believe its a way to grow and stay firm in your decisions and also have another hand that will help you stay standing when you cannot do it yourself. This I am sure happens to everyone. When you cannot fight yourself and its when having someone you are accountable to (and is accountable back) is a call away. Without need for the whole long story sometimes all you have to say is " Help!" and they know what to do or say.
One thing though is being accountable to the right person. I am accountable to one of my best friends (AM) who is close to me like a sister and she is those kinds of friends who will not be afraid to tell it to you in the face and snap you back to reality. I know it is the same for me. I am very optimistic about this and we have started by sharing useful habits and shows on TV to watch. We are always texting each other about our devotions and we are soon to start having time to sit, share and pray for each other as accountability partners. I know that the Devil is going to fight this, like he does when we make headway to being closer to God but then I am sure we will defeat him (badly!) and come out victors in Christ.
Like the saying goes a problem shared is a half a problem solved. So make sure you share with some you know will give you godly advice, not always what you want to hear.
Any thoughts or experiences to share on Accountability? Please share...
Four days to go
Just Coz I Say So
Saturday, November 27, 2010

Today I had the privilege and challenge of working with children for one of the ads we are working on. So i had to spend some time with them so that when we get to the shoot they would be comfortable knowing someone amidst the crew and cameras.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Friends and Frienemies

I work in a relational environment. Here people mind the other person's business. Both in the good and bad ways. It also happens to be the same place where JN works so we are a well known couple in the organization. Now that it is a week till he returns, everyone (some with good and others with bad intentions) is teasing me and watching me as the excited other half who was left behind.
And He Came Through

Wednesday, November 24, 2010
While He Was Away

You know when you have had a fight or at a rocky place with your partner and that’s when a crush or a cute guy or even an old flame happen to come by showing you attention, affection and tempting you to chill with them rather than work on your relationship. Its funny how such times happen when you are not on good terms and the temptation to listen and give in is there.
Well these three months have been a true testimony to how to stay faithful to the man you love no matter what comes your way. Ok so I count myself blessed to have found a high placed job (in my field of work) given to me even before I finished Uni. I have had the chance to be a Producer of a production house that for now only serves the Church that I belong to. It is an in house production department with in our church. People my age are right now being assistants to the assistant or something of the sort and I am straight up in the ranks (I am saying this with a humble heart not boast, just a testimony to where God can take you).
Anyway I believe that God had me in this hectic position (trust me its no piece of cake) for a time as this. I have had long hard days put into my work as well as learnt and met some very interesting things and people respectively. This is what I meant in my earlier post about God keeping my hands constructive. This position has pushed me to the edge and showed me that I can do more than I think I can. I will not deny I have grown up as a person, producer and boss to those that I manage.
So back to the beginning, of how these weird balls life throws at me once in a while to see if I am stable in where I am standing. In the midst of this whole working experience, I have complained about the lots of work and how busy I am for my life. Only to look back and thank God for the busy time because an idle mind is the devil’s workshop and that is so true.
I will recount today’s experience into play so as to make sense in what I am writing about. First you should know that am at a busy season in my department and the whole Church as a whole as we come closer to the Christmas season. I am booked to my eyeballs in shoots and today I had a fun one mainly because the people who we were filming were cool people who did not make me hustle or have to call out many takes till the sun sets. Anyway, we are in the middle of the shoot and I get a phone call from an ex-boyfriend. I really needed to concentrate and do the shoot well because it was a bit of a delicate nature. There were some parts we could not capture after they were done in the first take. So this call comes in and thank God I ignored it. Later when he called again and I was able to pick up, I asked him what he was calling for and he says that he was just bored and wanted someone to talk to for fun. I hang up thanking God for not having my time wasted. So what am I trying to sell home?
Let me put it in this context, all these people who cheat or find themselves committing a crime or something don’t do it just out of the blue. It is just something that is built up in them by small incidents that eventually birth into action, Now in my case, if I had the time to flirt and talk to this guy because I was idle, it would lead to more time together like spending time with him. In the absence of the main man, ladies and gentlemen that would be creating room for disaster. These thing start slowly by slowly. One little action followed by the other and before you know it, you find yourself attracted and more inclined to this person’s company than that of your partner. The more time you invest in any relationship or friendship, the stronger it grows.
Not to be all holy or perfect but I have not given any other guy the time of day to entertain or keep me company all of these months while my darling was away. How is that possible? Simple, manage your surroundings or get involved in something that keeps you busy enough not to have time to entertain the thought of messing around. Another bonus it gives is when JN calls I am so excited and honestly happy he thought of me or he has taken time out of his already hectic schedule pay some attention from some of his already little time. In a way it keeps the fire burning in the relationship because you have not let any other wind blow down your fire.
Gladly God kept me busy and I was not and am still not able to entertain any outside interests and to me I would prefer no other way to do so. Lastly, I receive a work schedule that shows I have some days of shooting and spending time with the team JN (Yay!). My workmates are teasing me nonstop saying I will not concentrate since there is a “major” distraction. Maybe they are half right hahaha but then personally it would be a welcomed distraction.
9 days to go
Just Coz I Say So
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
The Countdown Begins

These last days of temporary loneliness now come closer to an end. Yes JN has been away on a world tour for the past three months and they are to return home for the Christmas break before they continue on their second leg of the tour. This has been the first time we have been separated for this long and I am glad to say that we have pulled through stronger and better than we thought. It was difficult to fathom him being away from me that long because we spent so much time together. The thought of him leaving left me asking myself "What am I going to do with all this time?"