Tonight am an unsettled soul, not out of worry or anxiety but of a much happier sense. Tomorrow, is no ordinary day. The wait has been great, very maturing and now tomorrow the reward of seeing and being with my boo comes to fruition. I am very excited and have worked my work plan tomorrow to see to it that 5pm finds me walking down to where he will be. I finally get to have mmy other half back and I am more than excited am thrilled. so much to talk about and catch up on!!! Looking forward to seeing him again and spending all the time I can with him. Meanwhile to get my mind off the time count down (its less than 20 hours now) I went out for my of late favourite evening meal, tuna sandwitch and hot chocolate with great company of my friend and wonderful sister. took the picture with my sister's iphone since I lost mine but forgot to download them. maybe they will come later. looking forward to blogging about tomorroww Sweet dreams everybody!!
hehehehe,been there and looks like your doing what i did, go silent after...lol