Sharing with the world the depth of my heart's thoughts and feelings as they come:)
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
The Wait is almost over

Sunday, March 27, 2011
My life or the lack of it!

Thursday, March 24, 2011
The Skit Guys, God Your Companion II (NYWC 2010, San Diego)
Hey People these guys just blow me away!!! Check them out on their website theskitguys.com or their you tube videos. They are funny and i almost fell off my chair (Seriously) watching their Adam and Eve skit but then they also have some great skits that make you think seriously about your Christian life. Like the one above enjoy!!
I actually love this song and it has been on my mind all day.... so I blog what is on my mind and here it is:)) Enjoy!!
Happy Thursdays:)
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Well let us see how it goes and if I can get away with it.
Anyone ever had to tell a huge lie that you think of long before you tell it?
Friday, March 18, 2011
Be Careful What You Wish For

When I was still at Uni, I wished to get a stable job before I graduated. I got it, and it was a wonderful experience, I made many friends and learnt sooo much. in a short time more responsibility was handed to me. all was great and for the first few months I was walking on the clouds knowing I am the luckiest person I know. Then i got used to the system and the work became more and more of a task. Then the feeling of exploitation came in when I was told I was not going to be paid for longer than I thought. Is this what i really wished for?
I started wishing for a good paying job or some thing better than being exploited of my talent. When you dont specify you let anything be a possibility right? So i got a job offer, it was paying 5times more but then had nothing to do with my passion and what I love (Film and its relatives). I got the pay I lost doing what I loved.
Of late it has been soooo hot!! i was taking close to 5 litres a day of water and I have never sweated so much in my life!! It was so bad no one would walk out in the afternoon coz it was too hot to be out. i would even work a few extra hours till evening when the sun has set so that I could take my evening walk home. So ofcourse everyone including myself prayed hard and wished for the rain. Well wont you know it, it has come and in full blast!! so deafening you have to shout to tell your workmate something and it can get so cold!!
I am not complaining or regretting anything that has happened in my life. But all this rain has got me thinking, like the pussycat doll's song "be careful of what you wish for, coz you just might get it!" Are you ready for it? The question is... Are you ready for it?
I there anything you wished for and you got it and wondered why you wished for it? Share
Just Coz I Say So ;)
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Nice and Cuddly
Just Coz I Say So:)
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Today was a Battle but the Lord Won
I had already made a decision in my life to think positive no matter what so I did my best to fight the negative emptions. through out the day I focused on what I had to do and i must say I was having a wonderful day.
Later in the evening my Older sister Shivon called me to join her and her friends for dinner and I was happy to join. To cut the long story short as we were leaving I forgot my Iphone 3G at the hotel where we had the dinner. I realised i didnt have it when I was at home and all was too late, the management did not find the phone where we had left it.
so the battle begun....

anyway here is the song with its story enjoy and ponder on the words. they changed my day"!!